
K-Cups they just keep getting better...

The comments below are from a  page at coffeedetective.com. It’s a page here people can comment on their experiences with K-Cups. We follow this page and post the comments here for you to see…  you decide. We will NEVER EVER drink or advise AMYONE TO DRINK COFFEE COMING FROM THIS POSION VESSEL.

Aug 24, 2014
Awful melted plastic taste    by: Anonymous

I ingested much plastic-chemical tasting liquid today. Trying to "fix" new k45 elite! NO MORE.
Am sick to my stomach and pray will have no long term harm!
Get this product off the market!---or FIX it!

Aug 20, 2014
It all makes sense now, Keurig to blame!    by: Anonymous

For 6 months I've been battling nausea, fatigue and general malaise. On bad days I vomit and get very dizzy. Ran tests with my doctor and everything came back normal. It's been very hard and scary.

After a bad day today where I had to leave work because I got so sick, it finally dawned on me. This all started when my work got a Keurig machine and I started drinking their tea regularly! The days I get really sick are the days I have multiple cups.
Wow, thankful that I finally figured out the cause. Will never drink this again and warn others: stay away!!!

Aug 20, 2014
Hey FDA   by: Anonymous

Give them enough money and your products are safe. Land of the all mighty dollar

Jul 31, 2014
K-cups    by: Anonymous

I struggled for difficulty breathing and swallowing caused by some allergen and acid reflux for one year and My MD did not know what underlying cause was till one night I got very sick after drinking a cup of coffee made of K-Cups. Since I am a registered nurse, I started critical thinking and stopped drinking k-cups. Guess what? I am totally fine and don't even need any allergy medicine nor acid reflux medicine. Then I started getting sick after I bought the machine and the sickness became worse every month.

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